We can help with figuring that out!
This quick assessment will help you decide which type of therapy your child might benefit best!
Question 1 of 5
Are you concerned about any of the following gross motor skills?
Control their head
Put weight through their arms when on their belly
Put weight through their feet
Bring their hands to their mouth
Roll from their belly to back or their back to belly
Sit without help
Stand without help
Crawl on hands and knees
Take steps without help
Question 2 of 5
Are you concerned about any of the following fine motor or sensory skills?
Bringing their hands and toys to their mouth
Grab and shake a toy
Having a strong hand preference
Clapping their hands
Prefer or avoid certain textures
Look anxious while playing in certain positions or environments
Opening and closing hands
Reaching for toys in sitting
Doesn't like having their hands or feet touched
Question 3 of 5
Are you concerned about any of the following feeding skills?
Drink from various bottles or cups
Feed themselves with their fingers
Feed themselves with a spoon or fork
Prefer or avoid certain foods or food textures
Unable to use a paci or frequently spits it out
Using various types of bottles with differently sized nipples
Spills milk out the side of the mouth
Is a noisy eater when at the breast or bottle
Gassiness or frequent spitting up
Question 4 of 5
Have you noticed any of the following:
Prefer to look one direction?
Feel floppy?
Feel stiff?
Have a flat spot on their head?
Only want to stand?
Only want to sit?
Arch their back frequently?
Move one arm move than the other?
Struggle with tummy time?
Question 5 of 5
Do you have any other concerns?